By treating the body, mind and emotions, Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can treat complex symptoms that seem unrelated, but are actually intimately connected. Experience personalized care at our leading Acupuncture Clinic in Chicago, offering natural healing and effective pain relief treatments tailored to your needs. Visit Dr. Amie Shimmel Handa for holistic wellness solutions.
Dr. Amie Shimmel Handa is your trusted
partner in True Healing.
Book Your Consultation with Us!
Experience holistic healing at our Acupuncture Clinic in Chicago, where expert practitioners provide personalized treatments to restore balance and promote overall well-being. Discover effective solutions for pain relief, stress reduction, and enhanced vitality.
D.C., Dipl., Ac., LAc.
Board Certified Chinese Medicine Acupuncturist and Chiropractic Physician with 35 years experience
“Dr Amie thinks out of box” Dr. Amie Shimmel uses her intuitive guidance,11 years of postgraduate education and 35 years of practice experience to help patients achieve your best health. She does this through Acupuncture, which is Powerful Energy Medicine.