Acupuncture builds resilience and strengthens our natural resistance to disease. It helps the Immune system.
Acupuncture practice is one of the most well received forms of complementary medicine in the world. As a holistic medical practice with roots in India and China, it has been widely applied for more than six thousand years and has gathered a wealth of clinical and theoretical evidence. Today, acupuncture is receiving considerable attention, especially on the positive effects on the Immune system
Acupuncture for Immune System health exerts its therapeutic effects via stimulating specific sites on the body surface which are called acupoints, by a very slim needle or point that is painless. According to recent systematic reviews, acupuncture is a safe and low-cost treatment with minimal side effects. Acupuncture practice is widely used to alleviate, shift or cure various diseases, with one of the most effective clinical uses being Immune Boosting Therapy.
Your immune system is your body’s defense mechanism, the cells, tissues and organs that comprise it help repel foreign invaders like bacteria, parasites and other microbes that can cause infections. Stress, lack of sleep, prolonged anxiety or fear can contribute to a weakened immune system, which can make you vulnerable to infections and disease.
Studies show regular acupuncture treatments can actually increase the number of T cells the body produces. T cells destroy harmful bacteria and viruses in the body. Acupuncture needles stimulate the brain into thinking an invader (virus or bacteria) has entered the body. The brain signals the increased release of T cells and white blood cells to fight off the intruder. The amazing part is the increased cellular response lasts for several days after the acupuncture treatment.
Thus, receiving regular acupuncture treatments, especially as part of an Immune Boosting Treatment in Chicago can actually prevent the body from getting sick. Clinical studies have shown that acupuncture can improve the production of immune cells, such as white blood cells, and can have anti-inflammatory effects. These effects can last up to a month after treatment. Acupuncture has also been shown to be effective in treating some respiratory diseases, including asymptomatic COVID-19 infections. Acupuncture modulates innate immune cells’ activity.
Our Chicago-based clinic specializes in immune boosting therapy, providing personalized acupuncture treatments designed to support and strengthen the immune system. Patients who undergo this therapy often report fewer illnesses, quicker recovery times, and overall improved health. Whether you are looking to prevent sickness or support your body through recovery, immune boosting therapy in Chicago is a valuable option.
In the medical journal, Frontiers in Immunology,2023,14, an abstract was written that was a collaboration of research studies over the last few years. On Acupuncture and Immune system. This was their conclusion: Acupuncture has been demonstrated to regulate the immune system of the body and correct pathological conditions, thereby providing effective relief or treatment of associated diseases.
We sleep better, heal faster, and rest more deeply when we get regular acupuncture for immune system support. Immune boosting therapy in Chicago is an excellent option for those looking to enhance their overall health and resilience.