Research has found that acupuncture can be greatly beneficial to those with chronic stress.
Feeling Stressed? Research has found that acupuncture can be greatly beneficial to those with chronic stress. Many people suffer from stress 24/7. While there are many treatments, Acupuncture works wonders, it is one of the most effective treatments out there for reducing stress and Anxiety too.
Acupuncture promotes the parasympathetic zone, also referred to as “rest and digest” it is the zone one should be in for the body to heal. Most of the people in today’s world are in a sympathetic zone, which is also known as “fight-or-flight,” and can be triggered by something as little as watching something upsetting on the news, traffic, and so forth. When the body is in this zone, all the blood flow goes to the limbs, as your body perceives a threat, meaning that all other processes such as digestion and healing of tissues/organs are put on hold.
During Acupuncture, your body goes from being in the sympathetic zone to the parasympathetic one. “This not only immediately calms you down, but also puts your body in healing mode. When in the rest and digest mode, acupuncture stimulates the production of endogenous opioids like serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin “This symphony of neurotransmitters controls our body’s response to stress and Anxiety and improves our mood and has such a profoundly relaxing effect.
How Does Acupuncture Reduce Stress and Anxiety?
Stress triggers the production of certain hormones cortisol and adrenaline to enable the body to deal with stress accordingly. Chronic stress can reduce your serotonin levels which is the hormone associated with happiness and wellbeing. Acupuncture increases serotonin and helps balance hormones.
Acupuncture stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system to initiate the relaxation response. When we get stressed, our sympathetic nervous system gets switched on which triggers physiological and emotional changes within the body including anxiety. The parasympathetic nervous system acts like a brake and when stimulated, will calm your nervous system down to help you relax.
Acupuncture calms down the brain by acting on the primary somatosensory cortex which is the area of the brain which is known to reduce Sensitivity to stress.
Ear Acupuncture, or called Auricular therapy is amazingly effective for reducing stress, the ear is innervated by the Vagus nerve which is part of the parasympathetic nervous system. Ear acupuncture provides double stress relief, first because of Acupuncture and then because of the Vagus parasympathetic connection.
How often should you get acupuncture for anxiety? Most patients benefit from weekly sessions of Acupuncture, 5 to 10 treatments to make a significant reduction on the stress or anxiety.
Acupuncture Stress Management Clinic in Chicago
Discover holistic treatments at the Acupuncture Stress Management Clinic in Chicago, designed to alleviate stress and anxiety, helping individuals achieve a state of balance and well-being.
Acupuncture for Stress and Anxiety in Chicago
The clinic utilizes the ancient practice of acupuncture to effectively manage stress and anxiety. Acupuncture helps regulate the body’s energy flow, reduce tension, and promote relaxation. This natural approach can provide significant relief for those struggling with stress-related conditions.
Why Choose This Clinic?
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Benefits of Acupuncture for Stress and Anxiety
Success Stories
Patients have experienced significant improvements in their stress levels and overall quality of life through the acupuncture and treatment services offered.
Contact Information
For those seeking an effective and natural way to manage stress and anxiety, contact the Acupuncture Stress Management Clinic in Chicago. Support is available for those on the journey to better health.
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Take the first step towards a stress-free life. Schedule an appointment today and discover how acupuncture for stress and anxiety in Chicago can help find relief.
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Conveniently located in Chicago, the clinic offers flexible appointment hours to suit busy schedules. Visit at Clinic or click button below to book an appointment.